Today I had my postpartum visit at 1:40pm. Guess what time I showed up for it...1:45pm! I hate being late, but once again trying to rally up 2 kids is not an easy task. I have no idea why Ryan thought it would be a good idea to have Tyler stay home from daycare. Apparently when Tyler was dropped off yesterday he had a major meltdown and he NEVER has separation anxiety when being dropped off. When I say never, I really mean it...can I say how odd it is when your kid enjoys being dropped off at daycare and every other kid is sad to see their parents leave? That is a definite sign that we should get parents of the year (please note the sarcasm).
The postpartum appointment went well, Andrew weighed exactly 7 pounds and now we are on weight watch since he has dropped more than 10% of his birth weight. I received a rave review for my breastfeeding even though I am still not that confident that I am doing it properly. I mean my kid is losing weight, there must be something I am not doing correctly. Whatever...but on a better note, Andrew passed his hearing test. I knew he would pass, he would startle every other time his big brother would start crying and pitching a fit.
After the appointment, we were able to squeeze in a grocery run to Fred Meyer and Costco. Mind you, this is my first true public appearance since having the baby. I do not count picking Tyler up from daycare yesterday as a public appearance. They always suggest your going home outfit should be something you fit into when you were 6 months pregnant, I think that is a good rule of thumb. Unfortunately, I must have really loved my belly bump because all of my maternity clothes literally hugged my belly. Thus, wearing my maternity clothing will just hug my postpartum belly.
So here we are "grazing" away at Costco when one of the vendors makes a comment of our newest addition. She does the typically "how cute, he is so tiny", and then asks how old he is. I politely tell her Andrew was born on Monday (so he is now 2 days old) and she commends me on handling a toddler, a new newborn, and then having one on the way. Um, if I just had a baby on Monday how the hell am I pregnant again? I make an attempt to try and point out that the baby was born two days ago but the light bulb was not coming on in her head. I just smiled and pushed my cart away.
I was surprisingly not upset by that encounter, probably because I felt more sorry that she lacked common sense but who knows. It did bother me that I did look four months pregnant but I knew it was temporary and that my belly will shrink down to a saggy but manageable pouch. Sorry for the mental image but it is the truth. I am confident that even Heidi Klum did not have her supermodel figure the days following the birth of her kids. I would still die to have her body though. All of those things aside, I am truly amazed how I handled that situation. Then again, it is those situations and comments that motivate me to better myself.
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